Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Nine Month Gnarlies

Tucker can and does eat anything that's put in front of him. Much to my bliss, he has not begun to crawl yet. He'll poise on his knees or his hands from time to time, but never both at once. I'm not overly eager for him to begin, because then I'll have to baby proof and buy a new entertainment center, or attach doors on it. He will pivot on his butt to see in every angle, is taking tentative steps when holding someone's hands and is still napping as much as normal.

As far as his personality goes, Tucker is definitely a "red" personality. He likes to be in charge and have things done his way. If he doesn't immediately master something, he'll move on or deem that it's not worth his time. Should I leave the room, even to put some laundry away or use the restroom, he insists on constant communication. Thus, we've developed a new game. I'll make a sound and he'll echo it back to start. Then he'll make a noise and I'll mimic it. This lets him know that I'm still alive and I still exist, even though I'm not in his line of sight. He will eat all day every day and STILL be hungry (he eats more than I do). Tuck's favorite thing (aside from me) is being upside down/feeling like he's falling.

He goes to bed at 8 pm and wakes up anywhere from 8 to 9 am in the morning. For one of my New Year's resolutions, I'm waking up before him and cleaning the house before I turn on the TV, computer or have any sort of fun. So far, I haven't missed a day since December 29th.