Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Just Around the Corner

In less than three weeks, Tuck will be a year old. In seven weeks, we'll know the gender of Baby 2. Thus far, we have names that I like and names that David likes for Baby 2. If we're having a girl, he wants to name her Teresa. Should I catch him in a moment of weakness, I want Diana. We'll see how that goes. If it's a boy - the name will be decided on hair color. If I get my wish and have a brown haired boy, it will be Bruce Alan McKay (so he has the initials BAM). If it's a redhead, then it'll be Russel Joel McKay.

As for the boy that's out and functional, he's crawling and has been since just before he turned eleven months old. The picture below perfectly depicts just how mobile and eager to get into EVERYTHING he is.

Since Tucker insists on exploration, I've decided to train him. He now no longer tries to touch the TV or the game stations. Instead, he will leave them alone and not touch them, whether they're covered or uncovered. Our biggest problem is his love of my keyboard, so we may get him an old keyboard of his own to practice his typing with. By two or three, I'll probably cave and get him a tablet.

Tucker now sleeps from 9 pm until 8:30-10 am. He still takes three naps a day and loves to be played with. The wilder the game, the better. When he gets excited, he'll stand, hold something, and bounce up and down. Some people tell me he's dancing, but that's silly. If he is dancing, then he's definitely my son, because he does it with no music on and completely out of rhythm.