Wednesday, September 23, 2015

20 Days and 18 Month Check Up

 Quin is twenty days old today! We celebrated by taking him outside and laying him on grass for the first time ever. He wasn't too thrilled to have prickly things poking on his bald head, so he quickly demanded that I pick him up again. As for how he's doing the rest of the day? He was sleeping well the first two weeks of life. Then, last week, we had anarchy. The first fifteen days he slept with us in our bed. The past five days have been a bit of trial and error to get him out. Now we seem to have a semi-established schedule where he goes in the bassinet. That way, David and myself can roll around without fear.

Speaking of rolling, turns out Quinton can already roll from his stomach to his back. He did it twice (to the left) within minutes. We found this out AS I was typing the post. 

 My three (potential) gingers. I love each of them and the different levels of insanity they each grant me.


 While Quinton was having some grass time, Tucker was playing with one of our playground's toys. 
 As for Tucker, he has two new addictions. He enjoys to play on my cell phone, which he does so with one finger, so it looks like he's poking it. Tuck attempts to play with his new baby brother by poking Quinton in the eye. At least there's no jealousy between them. Tucker is quite happy to share his mommy with crazy Quin.

At his eighteen month check up, we learned that Tucker is 85th percentile in weight and 92nd in height. The McKay genes keep shining through with this monster kid. Among his cousins, Tucker is actually somewhat small.

Tucker says assorted words like Mama, Dada, Grandpa, up, down, hi, bye and so forth. Since Quin, or Quinton, even, is a bit difficult to say, we call the baby 'Coo Coo' around the house. Tucker understands the English language pretty darn well. He's incredibly obedient and will walk outside with me and need almost no guidance to stay with me. His favorite activities involve splashing people during bath time and closing cabinet drawers/doors.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Afterbirth

Yes, I gave this title a gross name. I'm tired and mildly morbid after changing upwards of sixteen poopy diapers in two days.

When Tuck was born, I called the hospital after seventy two hours of no poop and was incredibly worried about my guy. If he didn't drop some waste by the morning, we were going to have to take him to the doctor. With Quinton, I'm not worried about his bowels in the slightest. Quinn has given me no reason to worry about him. He sleeps almost all day every day, is feeding better by the day and seems entirely desensitized to noise. The only thing weird about Quinn are his teeth.

Yes. Teeth. Plural.

He has two confirmed teeth (under the gums, thankfully) at the top middle of his mouth. I was feeling around some more today and think I found one more tooth - a lower left canine. Any of these teeth could break through at anytime or stick around for months before trying to make their debut.

The brothers haven't had too much interaction. Tucker isn't jealous and Quinton is too self absorbed to care anyway. I don't mean that in a bad way. Newborns have to be selfish to survive. Compassion comes later.

As of this Friday, I'll be severely limiting visitors that see Quinton. While it's great that people want to see him, it's about to be flu season. I'm not willing to sacrifice hours or days of sanity so that one sniffly person can get their germy hands on my kid. We'll lift the ban sometime in March, April, or whenever people stop getting sick all the time.
Quinn kept trying to chew on his fist, which makes me think we may have a newborn teether. 

I was giving Quinn attention, so Tuck put himself in a clothes basket for an hour and casually asked to be let out once Quinn had settled down. Tuck is the ideal older brother. 

This was David in the hospital after Quinn was born. It's been pretty much how he's been since we've been home. My big guy likes his sleep. I won't complain, though, because his sleeping genetics have passed on to Tucker and made Tuck sleep twelve to sixteen hour nights at a time. Silly sleepy gingers.