Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Almost A Year of Updates

Quin has never been sick a day in his life. Many people have said or thought it, both to myself and others. He started out healthy and strong, always breastfed moderately well, but my milk was not fatty enough for him. At ten months old, we switched him over to formula, then gradually over to cow's milk by eleven months. Since then, he's gained about a pound every two weeks, which is great.

 Quin a three days old, resting in my lap.

 A week and a day old! His grump face.
 Todd the cat loved to cuddle with Quin whenever Quin nursed.
 Brotherly pokes.
 More pokes! Quin at two months old, still looking healthy.
 At eight weeks old, Quin smiled for the first time. To  me, on my birthday (Halloween).
 For a very long time, this was considered one of his big smiles.
  Something like this was rare!
 He's always been a very mellow child. He doesn't cry or babble unless there's something worth making noise for.
 At four months old, he still looks healthy and happy.
 At five months, he narrows out, but it's subtle. He's less smiley and more content.
 He has a great brother that loves to play with his 'Coo Coo' [we started calling him that because Tuck couldn't say Quin].
 Quin at Bear world with mommy. Such a white kid!
 July he we finally switched him over to formula.
 Quin as we started to put him on bottles. It was a good change almost instantly. I wish I had put him on them sooner, but he did not cry. He was not acting like he was starving. He didn't smile. My milk supply was good, just not fatty.
 We began to go outside more. I'd take the stroller out (which my friend calls 'the bus') and get the kids more fresh air.
 I even took this little trooper hiking up Devil's Staircase. He was such a champ. Didn't nap during the several hours we were walking,but he did coo a lot and make random screeching noises whenever the mood struck him.
 He's a good kid. He's gained a lot of weight and a lot of happiness. Instead of being content with life, he's actually having fun.

Now a days, Quin will put himself into position and start to crawl...except he goes backwards. He's not pulling himself up on anything. He can eat all sorts of food, but doesn't feed himself quite yet.