Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Apartment Follow-up

We're pretty much all unpacked from moving now. We have a few things here and there that need stowed away and I still need a dresser, but it's nice to be done! Excited to live in a 'dump', we planned on getting Direct TV. Let's be honest, the property isn't that pretty - we could put a dish up! There's even one on the manager's office. Sadly, dishes are not permitted in this less than picturesque apartment complex. Cable was a briefly considered option, but that would cost over $60 a month. We're here to save money, not spend it all on entertainment. So we went for one of the oldest methods of this century. Netflix will be snail-mailing us two disks of movies/television series once we ask for them.

Our complex is not pet friendly. I'm not saying that because they have a 'no pets' rule, but rather because Zeeke has been having allergic reactions to our new home. First his right lip was swollen. I thought it was because of a domestic dispute between him and my brother's retriever, Callie. 

Putting that aside for a moment. 

Zeeke went to the vet for his annual check up. Our vet came through the door. He looked like a nice man that just wanted to get the job done. Zeeke promptly hid under my chair and snarled viciously at the veterinarian. I was completely stunned. I asked the guy if it happened often. He sighed and admitted that his job was a pretty thankless one, in the ways of patient appreciation. He lured Zeeke to his side with treats. As soon as the stethoscope came out, Zeeke growled at the vet again and even snapped at the air. My terrible dog came running back to hide in his new 'cave' under my legs. The female vet-tech came in the room. Zeeke greeted her happily and nuzzled her like she was his best friend in the world. I guess my dog is just sexist now. They lifted Zeeke up and held him on a table for his vaccinations. As soon as the first needle grazed his skin, Zeeke leaped toward Tucker and me - clear off the table. Thinking fast, the vet-tech grabbed Zeeke's scruff and redirected his momentum (so basically she chucked him) into a corner. At once, she and the vet cornered Zeeke and proceeded to stab him. It wasn't vicious, but you would've thought Zeeke was getting his claws ripped out one-by-one. He was, by far, the loudest thing I heard that day - including the train, ambulance sirens and the symphony of car horns that comes with living in Rexburg. Once he was done getting his shots, Zeeke bolted out of the door. If I didn't have a leash on him, I wouldn't be writing this article. My dumb dog probably would've run all around town and David would've made me find him. 

We got home. Within half an hour, I notice something looks wrong with my dog. Remember how before he had swelling on his lip?

You don't have to be an expert to see his eyes are twice the size as any dog should have. It turns out...Zeeke is allergic to our apartment! His diet has stayed entirely the same. I called the vet and he confirmed it - since we had just checked Zeeke's vitals hours before.

Tucker's adjusted well. He loves his swing, is napping without his binky and is an overall good kid. He wants to go to bed earlier and earlier and wakes up later and later. He's hit a major growth spurt, since he's feeding twice as much as normal. 

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