Saturday, June 14, 2014

Boxes Packed

Ever since mid May, David and I got into government subsidized housing. We bypassed the wait list of over 30 couples by saying we could move in right away, as opposed of waiting until December. For some reason, moving in the midst of a Rexburg winter didn't appeal to me in the slightest. So we signed the contract and just kept our new apartment on hold. We stayed at our old apartment. After several weeks of trying to find an opening, David finally got scheduled a weekend off and we were able to move.

During our last move, we had around ten eager and willing helpers. This time we had five, though only four were there at a time. We are grateful for every person. Out of our men, only Joseph Kaluba was lacking an injury. My brother, Shawn, has a bad knee. My dad has a bad back. David has a bad shoulder. The last helper was my mom. She stayed and helped me put pictures up and organize a bit. It's still a work in progress, but it's not too far away from being done.

Back in our bigger apartment, we had two couches, a love seat and a rocking chair all comfortably situated throughout the home. In this new one, we have a couch, chair and rocking chair. I love the downsizing, but David's scared of what might happen if we get company. Somebody, heaven forbid, might have to sit on the floor! So if you're in the neighborhood and want to stop by, ready to feel squished.

Within five hours living here, we received one harsh note on our car. We have a parking pass...we just forgot to move it forward. We are assigned two parking stalls, since one of them is quite difficult to maneuver out of, should there be a visitor parked behind us. The note says, "Just for future referrence this is a resident Parking Stall and belongs to someone, you are allowed to Park any where labelled "visitor"." The spelling mistakes and random capitalization aside... David and I want to know who put the note there. Our neighbor told us that somebody likes to use our parking space for 'loading and unloading their vehicle'.

The first thing I said to David was, "I don't want to make trouble in this ward." In our old ward, I got in a verbal argument with somebody's mother over visiting teaching. Because I'm a bad person like that. Well...five hours in and here's my plan. I want to tape the note on the wall and label it our welcome to the neighborhood present. Then I want to invite every couple over possible and wait for the ones that keep awkwardly staring at the note. I want to know who wrote it, darn it! It's good to know that our spots are being protected by a resident with a sharpie and bits of scrap paper, though. I would be pretty pissy to come home and find somebody had parked in my spot for real.

As for Tucker and Zeeke, they don't like the new place. Tucker wouldn't nap and would much rather spend the day with Joseph, Joshua and Berhane Kaluba. He was happier there and started crying as soon as we put him in his car seat. Zeeke keeps trying to hop in the car in the hopes that we'll take him to the old apartment.

Pictures will come at a later time!

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