Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Negligent Parenting

I looked at my page views by country today. Understandably, people from the States are looking. But the other countries baffle me.

United States

Why does Russia keep coming back? I have no idea.

Anyway! I thought I'd do an update on Tucker's sleeping. Tucker is in his own room and I'm loving every second of it. I no longer give him his pacifier to fall asleep. If I give it to him once, he screeches and wails until I give it to him again. For over half an hour. If I don't give it to him, he falls asleep within ten minutes. We have him sleeping with the window closed, so he doesn't hear the craziness of the outside world, but the fan on, so he doesn't hear the craziness of the neighbors above us dancing around on creaking floors.

 Look at this handsome boy! He has my                                                                                                        lips and chin, but everything else is pure                                                                                                        David. 

Tucker takes three to four naps a day. He falls asleep at 8 pm and will stay asleep until 8 or 9 am, with various night time feedings. Twelve to thirteen hours far exceeds what he did before, which was 8:30 pm to 6:30 am. Ten hours seems like it was forever ago.

The only problem with this new situation is me. I don't wake up as well as I think I do. David claims that half the time he's been prodding me awake. There are times when I'll snap right up and instantly go to Tucker's crib to feed him. At other moments, I'm sluggish and David says I've let him cry fifteen minutes at a time. My poor kid. I guess it's time to hook up the baby monitor.

My recommendation to new moms? Ferberize your two and a half month olds. I miss my darling Tucker in the bedroom, but know this is going to save us in the long room. Oh, and DON'T EVER BUY BLACK OUT CURTAINS! Fellow mothers have said that their baby won't nap without black out curtains...which sucks for traveling, since not everyone has a space that's pitch black for your baby to nap in.

I used to work at Baker's Dozen in Idaho Falls. If you haven't been there, GO! They're the best doughnuts in town! My boss's daughter loves babies, but never had the opportunity to be around one so young. I whipped out my mammoth of an infant (who is weighing at least eighteen pounds) and plopped him in her arms. My boss was in the office with her daughter and they kept trying to get Tuck to look at them. He just kept staring at me. So I did the only thing that made sense. I left my baby with them and went to go sweep the bakery. Jill (my old boss) was astonished at how calm Tucker was. As were her son, daughter and Randy (her husband). Each went back and saw Tucker in turns. He didn't have his pacifier or anything. He just smiled and 'flirted' with the girls while gawking at Randy's mustache.

I got sick of Tucker constantly feeling like he needed his binky. He used to not go to sleep without it. I have his binky banned from his car seat and crib. He only gets it when he's truly inconsolable and has cried for at least five minutes. I see binkies as something that Tucker, as an individual, doesn't really need anymore. As long as I'm giving him attention, he's happy to take it. His binky gets in the way of him making happy noises, smiling and laughing. I'd rather dance or sing with him and give him attention than stick a hunk of rubber in his mug. But that's what works for me. In some ways, I'm a pretty negligent parent. In other ways, I hold and love on that sucker for hours upon hours at a time. 

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