Monday, July 28, 2014

Vacationing with Baby and Updates

Never vacation without your significant other. If you have a child, don't even day dream of vacationing alone. I was incredibly lucky to go to a family reunion where everyone helped with Tucker. Even though my trip wasn't as bad as it could be, I still had several moments where I wanted to be home.

While on vacation, Tucker turned four months old. We took him to the pediatrician for his check up. Tucker is 95th percentile for height and weight and still about 50th for his head. He's been following the curve since his birth and is right where he needs to be. I had heard people say that you should never use sun screen on an infant (less than six months old). My pediatrician gave me this response. "If you times anything by zero, you'll still get zero. There's a chance that your baby has zero protection from the sun. Even if you put on the most powerful lotions, he may not have any protection and might still get burnt. You can put it on him, but don't rely on it." I told him that I've been conditioning Tucker for the sun since May by taking him outside for at least ten minutes at a time. The doctor predicted that Tucker wouldn't burn, since I wasn't taking him from a dark home environment directly to the lake. 

David and I left the apartment on July 16th, since we planned to leave at 10 am on July 17th. Due to the fact that half of us weren't ready, we didn't get to leave until 11:30. Babee (pronounced bah-bee. This is Tucker's great-grandma and my mom's mom), Tucker and I rode in the truck with my dad. Shawn (my brother) and Summer (his wife) took their mini van with a pop up camper behind them. They had their children Lizzie (Elizabeth, pretty much 2 years old) and Donovan (their six month old) with my mom to help out (known as Baba to the kids). 

To put the vacation shortly...everything I wanted to do, I had to find somebody to watch Tucker first. Most of the time it was a breeze. My aunts and grandma were incredibly helpful, but my mom watched him the most. Tucker fell asleep in his backpack or somebody would rock him to sleep in their arms every day and night. My dad took over the role of putting him to bed so I could socialize with others by the campfire at the end of the day. When I finally went to bed, I slept with Tucker. It was easier than pulling him in and out of his pack n play to feed every time. 

I got to go on jetskis, boating, play with our abundance of boy-children and our tiny population of three girls. It was rare that I had to sit on the beach with Tucker. Still, I'm never going on vacation without David again. I missed him a lot and would've loved to do everything with him. 

We planned on leaving on Friday morning, but wound up leaving Wednesday afternoon. We had a thunder storm watch then a thunder storm warning. Camp hosts came around and told us to all move to the parking lot or the beach, so trees wouldn't fall on us. The forecast for Thursday was about the same. We were going to get nothing but rain with great weather on Friday. Instead of sitting through all that, Shawn and I decided it was a good time to leave. We packed up the car with a few of my things, shoved their pop up trailer down and was on the road around six that night. Overall, the kids were great. Donovan didn't cry once. Tucker screeched every time we stopped and Elizabeth was a little fussy to get to sleep and toward the end of the ride. 

Now I'm home and we've changed things around for Tucker.

He now gets his bath at 7 pm and wakes up at 7 am (for his one feeding during the twelve hours), before going back to sleep until anywhere from 9 am to 11 pm. At Priest Lake he started to sit up (on his own) for short periods of time. His record so far is fifteen seconds. He's still not rolling over, but he rolls to his side, gets bored, then rolls to his back again.

Tucker is 95th percentile for height and weight, along with the usual 50th percentile for head size. At least he doesn't have the LaPray forehead.

Tucker working on his sitting up abilities!

Tucker in a hat my sister in law, Kylie Steelman, crocheted for him. It goes perfectly with his new camo jamies. He's now in size 6-9 months! 

He's my favorite kid so far. I suppose I'll keep him. 

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