Saturday, August 16, 2014

Tuck's Traits

Even though he hasn't fully developed his personality, here are some traits I've noticed in Tucker.

He's easily frustrated, but persistent. Sadly, this baby has developed the "Simpson gene" where stubbornness abides in every fiber of his being. I placed a toy at the very edge of his arm's reach so that he had to roll over to get it. Though he was kicking and screeching the entire time, he HAD to have that toy. Tucker got it after ten minutes of effort. Whether feeling vengeful or curious, he shoved that toy in his mouth and began to gum at its head.

A mama's boy. Tucker does best when I'm in the room. I left him at my mom's house so I could go out and ride horses with my friend. We were just in the back yard, but Tucker didn't know that. My silly child screamed and cried the entire time. My mom informed me that he was inconsolable without his mommy. He's seen my mom before and has played well with her before, but he didn't care. He wanted me. Whenever I'm around, he's comfortable with strangers and likes to smile at them. Sometimes, he won't laugh at my faces or antics to make him happy, but he'll burst out in laughter at a stranger's attempts to simply make him giggle.
 He'll stare so intently at me when we're alone.

My little 'homie'. My child will adamantly refuse to sleep or nap anywhere but home, unless he's pampered to dreamland. One has to walk him around, rock him and hold him just right before he'll slip into unconsciousness. Even then, it never lasts loner than an hour. When we took him to Priest Lake, he slept best when he was in bed with me.

 This was the only way my mom could get him to sleep. 

 Tucker loves his exer-saucer. 

Noise sensitive. Unless there's a steady stream of white nose (like a fan) going on for nap or bedtime, he will fight adamantly before going to bed, if he falls asleep at all. Our apartment is generally a quiet, relaxed place. The only time that changes is when Zeeke barks. Every time Zeeke barks and Tucker's awake to hear it, Tucker's face will scrunch up and he'll promptly begin to sob intensely, up until he's presented with a new form of distraction.

Activity is a must! Sure, Tucker will sleep the morning away, but before or at 5:30 every day, he simply needs an adventure. Whether it's wandering the apartment complex, heading to the store or walking the neighborhoods, Tucker hates being home around this time, up until his 7:00 bath and bed.

 I blame the activity trait on David. This picture was taken right before he went to hike the Tetons. 

 He's in the car seat, ready to go see Baba (my mom). 

Tucker in his stroller for the four mile walk to see David at McDonald's.

A true fish. There's no place where he's more inquisitive than in a body of water. When I took him to Priest Lake with me, I put his life jacket on him the very first day and jumped in the lake with him. He loved it, but was so tired he almost put himself to sleep. Tucker never cries in his bath, because he's always having too much fun.

 Check out how buff he is! Baby body builder. 

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