Saturday, August 30, 2014

Isn't Motherhood Great?

I actively seek for a poopy bum, keep track of when his last big bowel movement was - and manage to dress Tuck in white onesies just about every time. My bathroom sink has had almost nonstop clothes soaking from diaper blow-outs, just to make sure they'll be usable for the next kid.

For the better part of the week, Tucker has hated life. He'll feed every half hour we're sitting at home. If I'm lucky and can distract him, we go two hours - tops. Tucker used to only be awake four to six hours a day, napping or sleeping the rest of the time. Even though he's cranky all day, he still gets a full, undisturbed twelve hours of sleep a night, from 7 pm to 7 am. Sometimes we'll even put him to sleep a bit earlier and he'll wake up a bit later, but that's the general estimate. That was up until Tuesday, the 26th. Now he'll nap less than an hour at a time and wake up cranky. I think I feel a bump on his bottom gum, right where teeth are supposed to come in, but we'll see! He's five months old and still doesn't have a tooth to his name. My estimate is he'll have two of them by the time he's six months old.

Tucker sits up for over a minute on his own, now. I've adjusted his stroller seat so that he isn't just laying down, but at more of an angle and can see some more of the world. In the last entry, I touched lightly on this baby's love of travel. Even when Tucker's extra feisty and the day is filled with naught but screaming, he'll mellow out the moment we start walking with the stroller. This week alone, we've easily surpassed trekking ten miles.

Tucker is less than enthused, but that's how he's been feeling for the past couple of days.

Zeeke loves all the walks we've been taking. He gets to swim in the canal when we go to the park. 

Tucker is smiling up at me, thrilled to be outside. Everyone comments on how pale he is and they insist I keep him inside all the time. Nope. He's just a ginger. 

He sits up! He's on my ottoman right in front of my chair, so I'm there to catch him if he starts to fall.

His exer-saucer is right beside my chair too. He'll spend a lot of his time in here, pawing at all the funny sounding items and discovering more and more hand eye coordination each day. He's at the level now where he'll pick up his binky and successfully put it in his mouth. Sometimes, he'll put his thumb in the crevice of the binky, to make sure it won't go anywhere. 
Zeeke is doing great. He will go up to Tucker on his own and start smothering him with kisses. Tucker is incredibly smitten with his dog and will always calm down if Zeeke's within arm's reach. 

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