Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The New(er) Year

This post is coming late, but Happy New Year! David Tucker (our child yet to be born) is rolling back and forth. Several times a day, I can feel his back. Sometimes it's on my left side, other times it'll be on my right. After two glucose tests...I passed my gestational diabetes test (meaning I don't have it). Sadly, the third trimester is much like the first. It's uncomfortable to sit up for too long, so I spend the majority of time in bed or walking around. Zeeke (our Border Collie, Australian Cattle Dog mix) hates when the days are cold. Not because he cares what the weather is like, but because I won't take him outside to play games with him.

David is doing his first married semester (second overall semester) of college. This time, he has his major set as Biochemistry. Whenever I say that to somebody that hasn't met David, they look a bit intimidated and confused, as if I'm dating some seedy little nerd with glasses. Once they meet him, the look of confusion comes swimming right on back. David even confirms that when he says he's a Biochemistry major, he gets weird looks. Sorry, guys. He doesn't really fit a stereotype. David is just that awesome of a man.

Life has settled into a steady routine of work and homework for David and crafting, internet and reading for me. Zeeke just wishes for nice days so he can go play Frisbee.

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